The trend is today - you have a great mark, why you do not mobilize of `it? The abundance of the company is making it, of the form houses as Prada and Christian Dior to give to attention the manufacturers as the Tag Heuer. Exactly the manufacturers of automobiles seem começ in it. The sounding names like Lamborghini, Ferrari, Hummer and now Porsche is, after to have conquered the roads, pointing with respect to the radiofónicas waves. Porsche' s P' 9521 is for is in India and I controlled começ an one hold. It' been s a long stay that comes, but it' s now and is here here what I have that to say on it. Form factor the mobile of P9521 Porsche is, good… not because you would imagine one of its cars to be. If you are to think bright, " sexy" , curvy, you could not more be missed. The P' 9521 is more than a Pepper of Caiena and not of a Carrera. It' s really handmade of an only aluminum block. Although this gives of the esquadrado monophone - it are of the form of the block, equally of - it and total male a rough sensation. A screen of count AM-OLED with a relation of 128 has 1,1 x 96 pixéis. It' done s of the dark mineral glass that is resistant risk. The black shining glass of to the monophone the one determined to look at elegant and elegant and feels to it. Although of course, it is a magnet of the fingerprint, but me one doubts any that goes to complain. The P' 9521 does not have a hot notch of the exchange for micron SD card that of 2GB comes with and is not extremely easy to remove it any one. Then another time with 2GB, you would want? I think not. The USB proprietor and the port handsfree are been situated in the superior part of the monophone and the key of the camera that can equally be used to activate the audio player is been situated in the side. Below of this volume of the keys is the humming/. The P' telephone 9521 equally has 2 found stereo speakers of each side. Although he seems voluminous, it weighs inside in 139 grams that is not too much bad. (via)
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